The Vision Carthage Garden in Bloom Tour was a wonderful event that took place on Saturday, May 25, and brought together the community to celebrate the beauty of Carthage's gardens. The tour showcased six gardens, nearly 20 local vendors, a beautiful and delicious lunch, and a robust silent auction.
More About the Gardens

Garden Hosts:
Susan Knost
Judy & Pat Goff
Linda & Robert Boyd
Sherry & Steve Irwin
Carthage Public Library
Grace Episcopal Church
These generous hosts opened their gardens to the public, allowing visitors to explore their hard work and beautiful gardens! The gardens were so impressive thanks to the hard work of these hosts. Our tour guests walked away with ideas and inspiration.
More About the Vendor Fair
The vendor fair featured nearly 20 local vendors who were able to provide shopping and education to the garden tour participants.
Thank you to the following vendors who participated:
3W Farms, The Artist’s Loft 404 and Emma Pound Design, Carthage Hardware, Chert Glades Chapter of the Missouri Master Naturalist, Garde Manger, George Washington Carver, Carthage Public Library, LuMae Floriculture, Michelle's FlorArt, Ozark Nursery, GLITZ + GLOW Permanent Jewelry, The Little White Geranium, and SHINE Joplin

More About the Lunch
All we can say is WOW! We served nearly 70 lunches on Saturday and provided a lovely experience for those involved. Guests indulged in a chicken salad in a cantaloupe ring, croissant, soup, and dessert.
Community is the KEY
We LOVE Carthage! The Garden in Bloom Tour highlighted Carthage's strong community spirit. Thanks to all of our residents and visitors we were able to raise $4000 for our Garden in Bloom Program. Everyone connected, shared gardening tips, and admired the efforts of the garden hosts.
This year's success bodes well for future events, and we look forward to continuing this tradition. Thank you to everyone involved—garden hosts, vendors, volunteers, and attendees.
Check out all the fun we had!!!